суббота, 12 сентября 2015 г.



At the beginning of this book, we have discussed in detail on this subject. We have repeated basis. We found that from which everything consist.
In addition, we know that God's purpose is to connect together the particles of all Planes – i.e. create the fifth element.
Why is it necessary?
Perhaps the answer is as follows.
In the universe as a whole all is harmonized. The number of particles Yin and Yang is equal to each other. Thanks to this, amount of emitted energy (ether) corresponds to amount of absorbed. There is no plus and minus.
Imagine if there was an imbalance. If the number of particles Yang - emitting energy - was more, the universe would have expanded impetuously. What, by the way, modern science insists.
And if there would be more Yin, gravitational collapse occurred - compression. Since there would be lacked to energy capable to divide and repel material.
But in reality, everything is in harmony.
It is obvious that in order to live and travel in the universe, the creatures must be like the universe – i.e. harmonious. I.e. amount of emitted by them energy should be equal to amount of absorbed energy. Only in this case, their state will be stable - they will be neither compressed nor expanded.
In order to any being could independently live and work in space, Yin and Yang in its composition must be balanced. It's the law. Otherwise, this creature will not be independent. Only if it has the same number of particles that absorb and emit energy (ether), it will not be compressed or expanded.
 Entity is not necessary the creature of small sizes, like a human. Quite the contrary.
There is a wonderful series of books written by Djwhal Khul with Alice Bailey. These books tell that not only people pass Dedications, but also Logoi. And the Logos is a huge Cosmic Being, comparable in size to the planet or solar system or galaxy, etc.
And the whole universe is a huge essence.
We should abandon the principle introduced by modern science, considering all celestial bodies only as inanimate physical objects. If they are not alive, then we, as their continuation, should also be without life. Logos of any size, if particles Yin and Yang are harmonized in it, can exist within the boundaries of the universe as an independent essence, not being compressed and not expanded.
And here we are again approaching to the answer to the question about the meaning of life.
In our narrow human understanding, life is all that connected with the heavenly bodies, or rather, with planets.
So why does Logos contact with celestial bodies? For what does it dive in them? Why does it create a tireless activity on their surface?
Why all this?
The answer is obvious.
Logos need particles contained in the heavenly bodies.
Yes, the particles.
All this turmoil is due to them. After all, the celestial bodies are composed of particles of the Physical Plane, the densest.
Initially, all of the particles in the universe were arranged concentrically, and the densest – particles with the greatest gravity – were in the center. And the center - it's exactly heavenly bodies, starting with the Сentral Celestial Body of the universe.
And this Physical Plane, these densest particles really have a need in subtle, upper Planes for stabilization.
Subtle Planes - this is exactly the Logos. They occupy a position of leadership, because particles Yang are dominated in them. Emission of energy. Do you remember Stanzas of Dzyan? “Listen,ye Sons of the Earth, to your Instructors - the Sons of the Fire”.
Sons of Fire - it's exactly particles emitting energy - Yang. Their information is leading and guides in the process of emergence of forms.
Spirit (the most subtle Planes) directs the Soul (average Planes) down into Matter (dense Planes). Just in order to get these dense particles of physical plane, well, and also of astral, which is also very dense.
And this bridge, this antahkarana is the channel via which there occurs Descent of Spirit and Soul into the Matter, and Ascension of Matter into heaven. But there is a lot of symbolism in the description.
We will describe this process in more detail and explain what is happening.
All the books of Alice Bailey are dedicated to relationships of Spirit, Soul and Matter. But without necessary explanations it can be difficult to understand what is at stake. And all because there are no concrete definition of information about the Soul and Spirit.
Everything is clear with Matter, it is composed of chemical elements. But what forms Spirit and Soul?
In the books of Alice Bailey is not yet specified. Only here the first time we will draw a clear parallel between esoteric and science, and will declare that everything is composed of elementary particles.
Thus, the Logoi have a need in physical particles. It is for them, the Spirit and Soul dive into the Kingdom of Matter. In order to masons in the quarry could extract them and take home with them after death, to heaven.
And this is the whole meaning of our existence. We are workers. We are Masons. Anyone of us. And every living creature on this planet works, including minerals, and not only on this planet - everywhere in the universe. Everybody, literally, accumulates experience. And this “experience” has a specific physical basis.
We extract particles of Physical Plane from the planet. And they are extracted in the form of “radioactive fragrance”.
We will tell about this.
Do you see how everything is interconnected?
We were not casually talking about radioactivity. This phenomenon will help us to understand, how Spirit and Soul can extract particles of the Physical Plane from the chemical elements of our dense bodies.

We think you start to guess about everything...

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