суббота, 12 сентября 2015 г.



We will tell you about the Shroud of Turin - amazing artifact stored in a museum in Turin (Italy), in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.
It is a religious shrine, the object of worship of Christian believers. The four-meter linen cloth, in which, according to legend, Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Jesus Christ after he was taken down from the cross after his death.
According to radiocarbon analysis, which was carried out, the age of this fabric corresponds to 1300 century. I.e. alas! If this cloth and allegedly had any relation to the Master of all time, you can’t argue with science. This is the opinion of scientists. Of course, the honor and praise to their principles, logic and resistance.
If not for one “but”.
The fact is that modern scientists know too little about the true nature of radioactivity. And the same situation is respect to the structure of what they call the “atom”.
However, we should recognize that they are very accurate.
And they are absolutely right, specifying the 1300 century.
What is radiocarbon analysis?
This is the measurement of the content in the material of the radioactive isotope of carbon C14.
The more time passes, the less its content, because it disintegrates.
But there is one thing that can affect the accuracy of this measurement method.
Scientists themselves acknowledge that if the test substance was exposed to the radiation of other substance, the data of analysis will be strongly distorted. The number of the isotope C14 will be much higher. And, accordingly, the age of substance will be younger.
So this is the whole point!
Shroud of Turin - is a unique testimony of radioactivity of that human, who was wrapped in it, namely, of the body of Christ.
He was radioactive, so his body left on the fabric its scorched image - the contours of his body in areas of contact.
A powerful source of radiation affected to the tissue. Because of this, the amount of radioactive isotope C14 increased in the tissue. And subsequent analysis erroneously attributed for the being studied sample more young age.
That's an explanation.
So, in vain, believers doubt, and scientists triumph and grin.
Shroud is genuine proof of existence of Christ, and also the fact that his body and metabolism was totally different from the human. Ordinary people do not burn a cloth, in which wrapped.

Shroud of Turin - is a symbol and image of Initiation. Agni Yoga, this is our future. Radioactivity – that is our true salvation!

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